Single Men’s Guide to Handling Dating Fatigue

Paula Hernández
5 min readSep 3, 2023

Have you ever felt like dating has become such a waste of time?

There comes a point where you can’t even enjoy dating. You’re just doing it because you want a relationship. You can’t be alone, so the search for a partner needs to continue.

It doesn’t help that as you get older, you feel more and more like a dinosaur. Apps? Profiles? Swiping? What’s next, holograms? Where has good old fashioned romance gone?

You may just have dating fatigue. It happens when you’ve had an accumulation of disappointments, failures, and plain wear and tear on your soul for years.

a man with his face buried in his hands, experiencing dating fatigue
Photo by Christopher Lemercier on Unsplash

Dating fatigue manifests itself through an attitude of indifference, feelings of hopelessness and depression, feeling exhaustion at the thought of another date, and thoughts of giving up altogether.

Some people experience it after a few dates, while others don’t get it at all. For many, it’s on and off. When you’ll have it depends on your expectations, how you deal with rejection and disappointment, how you take care of yourself, and whether you see dating as an opportunity for growth or a disaster waiting to happen.

It’s critical to learn how to deal with dating fatigue so you don’t give up looking for a partner. The journey may very well be rough, but it will be worthwhile in the end.

Mind your expectations, but don’t limit them.

Don’t expect to find the right woman right off the bat. This is a surefire guarantee for disappointment. Be aware that it isn’t so easy to find your soulmate unless you know where to go and where to find her. Sometimes it takes more than just scrolling down some profile photos.

What are your expectations for the short term and long term? If you want someone serious, someone to last you a lifetime, you can’t have it all on the first date.

On the other hand, if you are looking for a one night fling, then there isn’t much more to expect beyond that, is there?

Don’t take it personally.

During the course of you looking for a partner, there will be a lot of people who obviously don’t work out. If you take it personally, it will be a painful journey.

Someone else’s behavior is telling about who they are, not who you are. Other people’s opinions have no bearing on who you are or your worth. If you get rejected, it doesn’t say anything about your worth. If you get ghosted, it shouldn’t make you less than who you are.

It’s like putting water and oil together in a glass and expecting them to mix. They don’t. So get another glass.

Each date brings something new.

How would you feel if the pick up line that’s gotten you more cold stares than a miniskirt at church somehow gets a chuckle and a warm smile from your next date?

Being yourself doesn’t always work, because you aren’t naturally compatible with every single girl you date with. But it does afford you to try new things with reckless abandon.

Try new things, learn more skills. Wear something different. See what works. It then becomes something interesting, something exciting. And a cheery man is an attractive man.

Get out of your comfort zone — literally.

Here’s another way of looking at it. The world is too big a place to limit yourself to the kinds of women you should meet. Maybe dating is getting stale because everyone in your hometown walks the same, looks the same, and thinks the same.

But whoever it is that is destined for you, understand that SHE is out there, and she doesn’t need to be perfect. But she will come to you. You have to know that.

This is why you should consider dating overseas. Give yourself the chance to meet foreign women who aren’t just naturally beautiful in ways you only see online, but who take an altogether different approach to dating.

Have you ever thought of dating someone looking to build a long term partnership and a family, instead of focusing on herself, her career, and personal accomplishment?

An answer to dating fatigue — the Singles Tour

The Singles Tour is exactly as it is called — a tour for single men where they can meet foreign women looking for a serious relationship. It is more than just your typical online to offline dating. It is a masterfully-organized itinerary designed for you to meet and date women from the country you are touring. And in these tours, you will find an abundance of like-minded women who want to have committed relationships rather than just flings.

During the tour, you get to spend a week in the country you choose where you’ll be able to meet hundreds of single ladies who are also looking for a white man to marry. The majority of the event consists of you, other men who are in the same boat as you and hundreds of foreign women. Not just that, there’s also the staff on standby, the translators and the matchmakers that hold your hand throughout the event.

Aside from the Socials is the City Tours. Here, you get to bring a woman of your choice from the socials and tour the country’s top destinations with her. It is an ideal vacation as you get to go sightseeing, explore a place you’ve never gone to before while simultaneously going on a date with a local lady.

Cope with dating fatigue the best way you can

Dating fatigue is a normal part of the dating journey. It’s important to learn to cope with it rather than letting it defeat you. If you want to have a relationship, there’s no reason you can’t. You just have to continue to learn, grow, shift your mindset, and take good care of yourself.

If this means going out of your way to meet foreign women to see if the one you are looking for is out there, then so be it. Start now by joining a tour.



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