Take Politics Out of Your Dating: Travel the World & Meet Your Bride
Marriage and politics. Unity and division.
The former two synonymous with the latter two.
It seems that in today’s socio-political climate, the discussion on politics has been nothing but divisive. The phrase “blood is thicker than water” has been rendered totally meaningless, as father has turned on son, daughter on mother, in the name of purging the politically impure.
Humans are tribal by nature. This natural tendency to gather by kind can be seen in no clearer manner than as stated in this article. According to the author’s interpretation of recent studies, 79% of all marriages in the United States occur within the same party identification. A staggeringly low number (3.6%) are between Democrats and Republicans.
These statistics are resoundingly clear and encourage the following hypothesis: If your politics don’t align with mine, then you are simply not a dating option.
In a country where around four in ten adults aged 25 to 54 are unpartnered, the dating pool is essentially halved. The other side is off-limits. And if you ever dare to date someone from the other side, you either need to feign agreement, or you best keep your opinions to yourself.
Politics in the landscape of culture and dating
There has never before been a time where political talking points were so deeply intertwined into the daily conversation. Open your Facebook and someone is reposting today’s news article. Scroll down a bit more and you’ll find a friend going into hyperdrive for the next social advocacy.
Want to watch tonight’s football game? Let’s talk about climate change while we’re at it. What about a movie on Netflix then? There are smatterings of political activism there as well. It’s almost inescapable.
Let’s face it — none of this is good for your mental health, whether you agree with politics or not. Many of those who take a deep dive into this rabbit whole will get hurt.
Quoting another article from Science Daily, “Nearly 40% of Americans surveyed for the study said politics is stressing them out, and one in five are losing sleep. These responses and others show many in the United States believe their mental and physical health has been harmed in some way by exposure to politics.”
The dating scene can become hostile if you don’t tread carefully. If you believe yourself to be inclined to conservatism and traditionalism, then you are at risk of stepping on landmines. The opposite holds true as well, as progressive beliefs may well be the reason you are unwelcome by a potential partner’s family.
The point is clear — dating in this day and age isn’t just fishing in a dry lake. The lake is muddy, the fish will bite you, and there are bombs floating about.
Now, all of this might paint a picture of a landscape that is more desolate than what it really is. While many men feel absolutely fine about dating, there are men who truly feel that their options are dwindling.
What are the options they have left and where do they turn to?
A change in environment
As big as the United States is, it may surprise you to know that the whole world is actually bigger.
And while the influence of American pop culture is far reaching and heavy handed, a case can be made that this influence is overstated.
The simple act of traveling to a non-Western country creates in you a paradigm shift. You see that American problems are not always the world’s problems. Your culture is not their culture. This is now a great opportunity to find what you cannot so easily find back home.
Discover women who want what YOU want
Let’s presume that what you want is to marry and have a family. You want companionship. You want a wife who adores you and will play an active role in raising your children.
You are looking for a woman who displays inner strength, rather than one who virtue-signals incessantly. You are looking for someone who cares about “we,” instead of just “me.”
And what about politics? Where does that fit in?
Well, for starters, you want someone who doesn’t scream at you for your voting choices. Even better, you want someone who absolutely couldn’t care less.
Because she knows there are more important things to do in life than hinge your emotions on second-by-second newsbites.
Her priorities, setting aside any religious fervor she may possess, are you and her family. You are her priority, nay, her life.
Where should you travel to find these potential brides?
You know what kind of a woman you want. Therefore, your best chances are to travel to countries that have concentrations of women with the qualities you desire. Not only that, you need to find women who are absolutely open to dating an American or Western person.
A great place to gauge the willingness to marry a foreign man would be to go on international dating websites. The most reputable of these companies have a network of field offices in the countries they cater to. They offer a wide variety of tour services as well as legal services.
The women from these countries are generally more traditional and marriage-minded than their Western counterparts. They are incredibly open-minded about marrying foreign men. They are incredibly beautiful as well. And if politics is your bane, then spending time with any of these wonderful ladies is an absolute breath of fresh air.
Traveling the world and dating
Take a reprieve from the drudgery and constant onslaught of socio-political issues in your life. Travel the world instead to exotic places, where breathing the very air alone offers pure catharsis.
And while you’re at it, meet women who adore you and have been looking to meet someone like you for a very long time.
The wonderful thing is that you can do this alone, or with the assistance of a company that’s been helping single men out for over 25 years.
A travel tour and dating trip all rolled into one. A vacation and a chance to meet your future wife. Imagine that. If that doesn’t sound like the experience of a lifetime, then I don’t know what is.
The intrepid spirit of men is what has allowed them to conquer all four corners of the earth and bring about civilization. It is this spirit that will release you from the clutter of your life and allow you to find the woman of your dreams, wherever she may be right now.
All you need to do is choose love.
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