Will Her EX Be a Problem?
What do you do with shattered glass?
If your CD player no longer works, do you still use it?
You throw away broken items all the time. You simply can’t use them anymore. Similar to relationships, you don’t push something that’s broken too. If you do, you’ll end up broken as well.
Your life changes when dating Latina women. You need to be a better man for her. It teaches you to embrace a culture that’s entirely different from yours. Above all, it lets you experience love like no other.
Courting someone can be challenging. You not only have to face your anxiety, but other potential partners interested in her as well.
But what if a potential partner is an ex-lover? Would you still pursue her? Would you be brave enough to try? It’s a decision not anyone will take. As they say, dating a Latina is not for the weak.
For a brave man like you, here are some points to tell whether her ex will be a problem or not in your relationship.
Does she let go of things?
Yes. If she still feels upset over their break up, then clearly her ex will be a problem. It’s one way to tell that she hasn’t let go of their past yet.
When she feels sadness or anger deep inside, take it as a sign to talk with her. No woman should wish for another man in your presence.
No. Latina women are strong-willed. They move forward positively over an ex. They would no longer feel anything for an ex nor be affected in any way unlike before.
If you get to be with a woman like this, losing her would be your loss. Finding sincere love after a heartbreak doesn’t happen every day so treasure it while you still can.
Does she keep tabs on social media?
Yes. It’s basically a red flag when your partner keeps tabs on her ex through social media. Asking her about this doesn’t help since you’ll only hear lame excuses. If a person belongs in the past, there’s no reason to bring him up again, especially around you.
No. A woman who isn’t connected to her ex in any way, even through social media, is one you should be with. No ex-lovers remain friends despite the mutual connections they might have. Don’t tolerate this kind of behavior unless you’d want yourself hurt.
Does she reminisce about the past?
Yes. This often happens to those who just broke up with an ex. Jumping from one relationship to another is hard, but it isn’t a reason to hurt someone else. If a Latina woman seems to linger too much about the past, sit down and talk with her.
No. It’s impossible to forget everything about a person. Even you might feel the same. But even if she does have a few memories with her ex, it won’t be a problem if she never brings it up with you. It’s a good sign.
Does she continue to be friends with her ex?
Yes. People have different opinions about staying friends with an ex. But if a Latina woman messages or calls an ex-lover, perhaps sharing about what’s going on in each other’s lives, that’s your wake-up call. Her ex will be a problem in your relationship.
No. One of the early signs of a good relationship is having a partner who has cut all her ties with an ex. If you are with a woman like this, then you’d need not worry about her ex coming in between your relationship. This tells you that your woman is ready to be with you and not her ex.
Does she hold on to mementos?
Yes. If she keeps something that belongs to an ex or was given by her ex, it isn’t good. You’ll know that a Latina woman isn’t ready when she remains to hold on to things associated with an ex-lover. If this happens, walk away.
No. If your partner doesn’t keep a thing that would be a reminder of her ex, keep her. If having you by her side makes her forget the past, that’s pure love. She won’t do anything to sabotage the relationship. Truly, her ex won’t be a problem.
Does she show less emotional connection?
Yes. If you have less emotional connection, it’s a sign that your partner isn’t fully invested in you. If you don’t connect like how couples should, she’s only using you to numb the pain.
Genuine love doesn’t progress fast. It’s a slow process to help you be certain of how you both feel. But if she loves her ex more than you, there’s no reason to continue the relationship.
No. Look into her eyes and you’d be able to tell how real she feels. Don’t just focus on words but on actions as well. A Latina woman totally in love with you sees you as the ideal partner for her. She’d love you greater than her ex.
Does she like Revisiting Places?
Yes. A Latina woman taking you to places she’s been with her ex is one of the signs of a bad relationship. It’s pure disrespect. She doesn’t love you enough, and is inconsiderate of how you would feel. Does she really have to take you there, of all places? You know the answer.
No. It’s love when she makes new memories with you. Doing new things together and visiting places that are only for you. To have a Latina woman by your side makes you lucky. And to have someone who loves only you makes you even luckier.
Moving Forward
Heartbreak makes you stronger. You can’t avoid it, nor prevent it from happening. But not having been able to experience it makes you gullible.
Lessons are best learned with pain. Those brave enough to love the wrong person get closer to meeting the one for them.
Latina women are more than you could ever ask for. And it’s true.
But when she isn’t totally over her ex, love yourself more, and go forward. Know that you aren’t there to fix her. She’s responsible for her pain, and taking it out on you will never be right.