“Why do men cheat on good women that do everything they want?”
The thing is, the concept of doing everything your partner wants is in itself a little problematic. Yes, the goal is always unconditional love, but a healthy relationship should still be between people who have autonomy and free will.
On one hand, men in relationships with women who are expected to do everything the men want are not less inclined to cheat. If anything, it makes the temptation so much harder to resist for them because having a dedicated partner can make them think it’ll be easier to get away with infidelity.
I understand why being a loving girlfriend or wife, even to the point of subservience, can make women think their partners won’t cheat. Why will their man look for someone else if all their wants and needs are satisfied, right? Unfortunately, that’s never a guarantee.
The other side of the coin is that people who want to cheat will cheat, and it’s often not their partners’ fault. Cheaters have their own issues, of course, and the quality of their relationships will have something to do with it one way or another, but to wonder why good women still become victims of cheating partners will only be another way of blaming them.
In the end, men who cheat can have different reasons for being unfaithful, but men who cheat even if their partners are very much in love with them are likely still not satisfied with that.