What To Watch Out For When Meeting Costa Rica Women

Paula Hernández
6 min readJun 7, 2021

No one wants to be scammed, tricked and bamboozled, right? No one especially wants to make the mistake of ending up with a woman who, from the get-go, isn’t… “dating material.” Let’s just say that we want to spot the dating red flags right away when we meet Costa Rican women.

How do we do that, you ask? Well, you won’t know the signs if you don’t know what to look for. Luckily, we have compiled a list of what you should be watching out for that’ll give you an idea on where you want to stand with the lady.

But even if we say that, what if you are already with such a woman and you’re only now realizing that there’s something wrong? That can happen more often than not, you know? Especially since people don’t typically show their true colors during the early stages of dating.

Below are the signs you should remember to look for.

Hopefully, you’ll meet someone who doesn’t have anything remotely similar to the things on this list.

1. She Constantly Talks About Herself And Rarely Shows Interest In Your Life

Latina women have always been proud of their looks — as they should be, since they put all the effort into making themselves look perfect all the time. But sometimes you find yourself talking to certain girls that just can’t seem to know the difference between confidence and arrogance.

During the first stages of a relationship, it’s only natural to be enamored with your partner and want to be a listening ear to someone who eagerly talks enough for both parties. But later, when you feel safe enough to talk honestly about yourself, you start to realize that she doesn’t really care enough to listen to you talk, or just as easily diverts the topic back unto herself about what she did or who she’s arguing with on social media. Take note that it’s a red flag.

2. She Bad-mouths Her Exes ― All Of Them

We get that humans are fragile and emotional beings and therefore have the right to feel hurt after a breakup — but if your exes are all you ever talk about and you continuously complain about what they did wrong without even acknowledging that you yourself are also to blame, then isn’t that telling about your behavior?

If she happens to be like this, how can you be sure that she’s right for you? Take heed that this is a very toxic behavior.

3. She Is In A Bad Mood ALL The Time

Everyone gets into a bad mood every now and then. Several people can even look angry when hungry until they get some food in them so it isn’t so bad.

But if being mad is her default, don’t kid yourself into thinking it’s not a big deal.

4. She Likes To Gaslight You

Gaslighting is when your partner knows that your intuition is correct, but tries to muddy the waters by causing you to second-guess yourself, most times suggesting that you’re overreacting. It’s not healthy when family or friends do it, and it’s even worse when your lover does it.

Thankfully, most women don’t go as far as gaslighting their male partners. But if your partner does, you will know right away. Take note and consider if she’s the one for you.

5. She Makes Fun Of You In Front Of Others

Even when you ask her not to. Women aren’t usually this cruel, but there are several instances when you just have the unfortunate circumstance of ending up with someone who has her head so far up in the clouds.

It may be because she’s so much younger than you that she can be immature. A little teasing is okay and you’re mature enough to know when to let her be or put your foot down. At the very least, this isn’t as damaging compared to younger couples, since guiding her to maturity is always going to be your responsibility as a possible lover.

6. Constant Refusal to Spending Time With Your Family

Costa Rican men and women are like other Latin people when it comes to family. They value it more than you think. So if your girl just happens to like skirting around when the topic of her family comes up, raise a red flag because it’s immediately suspicious.

Although it can be seen as her being protective of her family and not wanting to disclose anything regarding them — understandable since it’s a rather personal topic — it doesn’t count if you’ve been with her for a very long time. Especially if she’s already spent so much time hanging out with your own family.

7. No Respect For Your Boundaries

Every living person who wants to have a chance at dating — no, every single human who is decent should know the importance of respecting their partner. Whether you are a Costa Rican woman, a Western man, an Asian woman or a Russian man, you should know the boundaries and not step on them.

If she doesn’t respect this, then it’s time to call it quits. Respecting one’s boundaries shouldn’t be optional.

8. She Takes Advantage Of Your Generosity

We’ve all heard the things people say when it comes to dating a foreign woman younger than you. A lot of them really do go after westerners for money or for a Visa, but not all of them are like that. Plenty of women who want to date men not native to their countries do so because they’re just like you, needing love.

Still, when people talk, it’s usually because there is a semblance of truth behind it. Watch out for when your girl starts asking for expensive things, or subtly implying things like going to expensive restaurants, buying her something that’s almost out of your pay range, or outright demanding things from you.

9. She Is Weirdly Possessive And Secretive About Her Phone

If they’re going to make an effort to hide things from their partners, the least they can do is not make it too obvious. Being possessive of your phone and refusing to let it be borrowed is a sure sign that you’re hiding something and don’t want your romantic partner knowing.

Relationships are about love and trust, right? If you can’t trust your own lover with whatever it is you have on your phone, then who can you trust?

What Happens If She Ticks Out Everything On This List?

Simple. You find a better Costa Rican lady and move on. There aren’t that many Costa Rican women who do the things on this list. Most of them genuinely want love. Don’t let one bad experience ruin your chances at finding love and happiness. Remember that sometimes, finding your one true love requires you to wade through the bad eggs first.



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