“Is it an unhealthy relationship if we are afraid that our partner would cheat on us?”
It depends on the level of fear and paranoia you have about your partner cheating on you.
I think it’s normal to have these kinds of thoughts, especially when you’re happy with the person you’re dating. You know that what you’ve got going is good and you’re scared that it will all go away someday.
Well, in relationships, it’s not unusual to feel worried or scared that your partner might leave you for someone else. Because in reality, it happens. And whether or not we’ve experienced it, our defense mechanism allows us to anticipate such an event from happening that when it does happen, we’re only a little surprised. But the pain is still there. At least we’re not caught off guard.
But then there’s also when it becomes a bit too much. We all know that giving into fear can bring out the worst in us. So if you’re at a level where you’re worried about your partner cheating on you every day, then I would say that it’s not a healthy relationship.
Ideally, a healthy relationship is where two people have good communication and look out for each other. Having this kind of fear eat at you when you’re with your partner can be extremely distracting and not to mention toxic.
Unless your partner is displaying questionable behavior, then you might as well be straight up about it rather than live in doubt and fear that what you’ve been worried about all along is in fact happening for real.
Originally published on Quora