The Reason Why You’re Single (And What You Can Do About It)

Paula Hernández
3 min readFeb 8, 2022


It’s not just you.

Over half of the total population of America does not have a romantic partner.

To some, being single isn’t a problem. But to others, it’s a terrifying and lonely circumstance to be in.

As human beings, we crave affection. We want to feel loved and wanted. It is innate in us to desire human connection — i.e., a romantic partner.

While many prefer to stay uncommitted simply by personal choice, others are desperately trying their best to find love.

A lot of them enter relationships hastily, and most often than not, those relationships don’t work out, so they find themselves single again. It’s a cycle that they need to break.

One thing we do learn from them is that being desperate does not help. It makes a person vulnerable to making hasty choices.

If you think you’re one of these people who’s stuck in a cycle of being in a relationship one minute and single the next minute (and repeat), here’s what you need to know:

Before you go and look for love, you need to understand yourself first.

Why are you failing at relationships? Why are you single?

Unhealthy Attractions

People get into relationships because of attraction. But not all attraction is good attraction.

It’s the same as a woman who prefers bad boys. Not only are they more attractive in the eyes of these women, but they also have this fantasy of being able to “fix” these men. But news flash, that only happens in fiction. In reality, you have a better chance at fixing world hunger than fixing a broken man with a skewed personality.


Maybe you’ve been in a relationship where it ended badly, and you’re unconsciously trying to protect yourself from it happening again.

There are plenty of people like this. Because of past abuse, they end up being super conscious and develop a habit of putting up a wall. You may want to get into a new relationship but past experiences have honed you into protecting yourself, even when you’re not aware of it.

Commitment Issues

This also applies to those who have a past of “going around” too much. Those that can’t be tied down to just one person.

Even if you’ve changed and realized you want to settle down, this is a little harder for you because you got used to sleeping around. That doesn’t necessarily make you a bad person. After all, it’s your body and your life. But you will have a hard time if you suddenly want to be a one-man woman/one-woman man.

You haven’t met THE ONE yet.

Ever heard of the saying “There’s someone out there for you”?

Well, it’s along those lines, at least.

My point here is that if you’re still single even when you’re already past your prime, it just means you’re unlucky enough not to have met your “meant to be” yet.

That’s pretty common. And some end up just marrying someone they aren’t compatible with because of it. This is why you shouldn’t be hasty when choosing. Wait for the right moment or at least go out there, and look for your “meant to be.”

They could have just been born in a different country. It’s possible that this person might also be waiting for you. So get out there and find them.



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