“How do you make sure that someone is really in love with you?”
If I was in a relationship with someone, I wouldn’t want to “make sure” that they were in love with me. I would know. It’s not my job to reassure myself of how they feel about me. That’s on them.
The same goes for me. I wouldn’t want my partner to “make sure” I was in love with them. I would show it through my words and actions and in the way I treat them.
But if you really want to know, all you can do is observe their behavior. Has there been any change in the way they treat you? Are they spending less time with you? How often are they affectionate? Do you still go out on dates? You can also take a look at the little things, as falling out of love can start small. Once you notice any changes that you know will compromise your relationship, find a way to address or resolve them so that it doesn’t get worse.
Then again, if someone is really in love with you, they have no reason to keep you in the dark. My suggestion? Don’t worry about whether or not they’re in love with you. Worry about how you can show your love to them and how you can keep each other happy. That’s what you should be focused on.