“What is the difference between red flags and flaws in a relationship?”
There are key differences between the two, but one thing they have in common is they both can’t be ignored.
Red flags are warning signs that may put you and/or others at risk. In relationships, behaviors that are considered red flags are when your respect, trust, and well-being are not valued nor considered. Most of the time, you are filled with doubt and self-loathing.
The tricky part is addressing the red flags. Some people are so in love with their partners that they unknowingly turn a blind eye to the things that they know aren’t right, mainly because they don’t want to lose them or they can’t stand being alone. The best thing to do to avoid getting into that kind of situation is to be fully aware of how ready you are to get into a relationship. That way, you’ll know if you want to commit to someone and if that someone is worthy of your love, trust, and respect.
One important thing to keep in mind is that red flags are usually major deal-breakers that you know for a fact you won’t be able to stand in the long run. Just remember that it doesn’t matter how much you think you love someone. If they don’t contribute to your happiness and well-being, they’re not worth putting up with.
Flaws, on the other hand, can include traits and behaviors that we might not always be aware of. This could refer to a person’s lack of knowledge, inexperience, or just his/her tendency to make simple mistakes.
Although flaws aren’t really considered a good thing, what makes them better than red flags is they can be corrected or improved. And most of the time, they can be overlooked (unless they are major flaws that are difficult to deal with).
When in a relationship, it’s important to be aware of your flaws so that they won’t affect your partner. This is where setting boundaries becomes important. Talk about your preferences and pet peeves. Spend time getting to know each other and have patience and understanding whenever you talk about sensitive issues so that no one ends up getting offended or hurt.
Simply put, red flags are more closely associated with danger, while flaws are mild imperfections that don’t necessarily bring harm to you and/or others.
Originally published on Quora