What Makes Women Stay Faithful?

Who does she think about when you’re not around?

Paula Hernández
5 min readJul 7, 2023

The value of a relationship is sustained when both partners practice fidelity. It protects the bond and the love they share with each other.

Photo by Jade Destiny on Unsplash

A relationship is only for two people, and the mere presence of another is threatening. Unfortunately, many couples break up because of betrayal.

It’s a fact that men cheat more than women, but now the tides have changed. Based on a study conducted recently by the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago, younger women are more likely to cheat on their partners.

Nevertheless, it’s safe to conclude that faithfulness is one of the virtues only a select few can give to their partners.

Now, if some women do cheat, who are the ones that stay faithful? And for what reason are they showing this utter devotion?

A Reason to Be Faithful

Women can always give themselves a reason to be faithful in their relationship. Their attraction and admiration may wane over a period of time due to existing factors, but their respect for you won’t.

Knowing you are there will be one of the top reasons they remain faithful. On another note, religion is also a major contributing factor. Doctrines that teach about the sacredness of couples and relationships will remind them that infidelity should never be an option.

In some cases, moral standards drive these women to be devoted only to you. Thinking that there’s a higher chance of you letting go of the relationship once you learn about their sin, being alone is something they’d want to avoid at best.

At the same time, families are in the picture. No woman would want to destroy her family, especially one that’s full of warmth and love.

Cost vs Effect

Most women are deep thinkers. They may not be as intellectually competent as you think they are, but even so, their ability to perceive life and love goes way beyond what you often see in them.

Photo by Ola Dybul on Unsplash

Because of this, weighing the consequences of the decisions and actions they end up choosing is something they don’t take lightly. They know that enjoying the benefit of something that’s prohibited will cost them almost everything.

And they practice this. The cost of what they might be doing behind your back is you and your relationship, and that’ll never escape their minds.

Stigma on Cheating Women

The news of a cheating man will eventually die down after a few days or until everyone has heard enough of it.

In contrast, cheating women are murdered right on the spot once their affair comes to light.

Society has made it clear that there’s more reputational and emotional damage to women who cheat in comparison to their male counterparts. Because of this, most women aren’t all too willing to lose the peace they currently have in exchange for the company of another man.

It’s painful to think people are quick to blame women when their male partners cheat on them, claiming that they are:

  • lacking as a wife or girlfriend;
  • they don’t know how to maintain the house;
  • they’re gullible enough; or
  • they simply can’t satisfy you in bed.

What Goes Around Comes Around

Retaliatory infidelity.

Realistically, some women don’t cheat on you because they’re simply afraid you’re going to do the same. Sounds dramatic, but it’s true.

While these come off as elements of a dull and sad relationship, women find it hard to bear the fact that you might lay your eyes on another woman to bounce back after their infidelity.

In effect, they’d rather be devoted to you and your relationship altogether.

Fear of Trouble

To think of infidelity is painful, let alone telling others about it.

Women don’t want to go through the discomfort of telling you, your family and friends, and all the other people significant in your relationship that they are in trouble. It’s an ugly phase to go through and a conversation not everyone is willing to sit down and talk about.

Photo by Jade Destiny on Unsplash

Fulfillment and Satisfaction

This is one of the most important reasons why most women stay faithful.

A partner who’s totally happy and satisfied with your relationship would not think of cheating, even for a second.

Because they’re completely content about having you, they’d rather strengthen your relationship instead of thinking about other men.

Making Them Stay Faithful to You

The benefits of keeping a partner happy go way beyond having a fulfilling relationship. It’s essential to sustain not only your love and intimacy, but your happiness as well.

A relationship is more likely to suffice for a long period of time if both partners are equally satisfied, loved, and trusted.

Though it’s impossible to know everything they do in a single day, it’s also helpful to teach yourself how to trust them. Just because you haven’t heard from them doesn’t mean they went behind your back.

And just because they didn’t give in when you asked for something doesn’t mean they aren’t interested in you anymore.

Think outside the box.

If you want to know how you can encourage them to stay faithful to you, here are a few things to keep in mind:

1. Think of them in a positive light.

You’re likely to feel more satisfaction in your relationship the moment you see your partner more positively than usual because partner enhancement helps in making you feel content to be with them.

2. Get physically closer.

While distance can strengthen your relationship, sometimes, it’s best to increase your interpersonal distance. Staying away from entertaining other potential partners and getting closer to your current partner is key.

3. Lift them up.

In all ways, it’s wrong to bring them down. As a couple, you’re expected to be supportive of each other’s endeavors. This is a reminder of your love and it will encourage them to be faithful.

4. Improve your intimacy.

Almost nothing can surpass the importance of intimacy in relationships. For some women, an intimate man and relationship are enough. Nothing more and nothing less.

Before you love someone, make sure you know how to trust yourself. Because without it, it will be difficult for you to trust someone else.



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