Online Daters Beware! Things You Don’t Want to Happen to You
While online dating has revolutionized the dating industry, it does come with some pitfalls. Because people don’t have to literally face each other to interact, they don’t have to play by the same rules as when being together in-person.
And because the internet gives everyone a certain level of anonymity, bad players can easily get away with their mischief.
You want to have a grand time meeting people and creating relationships online. In order to do that, you need to know which people to avoid and when you are a victim of bad behavior.
To begin, here are some of the most common hazards of online dating. The more you know, the better you can protect yourself and move on.
You match with someone online and you seem to be hitting it off. But after a week of calls, messages, and texts, they suddenly stop.
You, my friend, have been ghosted. It’s a pretty common occurrence in the dating community. When someone stops replying, it’s an indication that they aren’t interested anymore. This is especially evident when your conversation starts to die down or feels like it’s going nowhere.
Don’t take this personally — it’s just the modern way of turning someone down. It’s awkward to say you’re over before the relationship has even started. It’s not exactly a good way to end things, but it does get the point across and gets the job done.
Zombieing is almost exactly like ghosting — except instead of leaving for good they come back into your life.
And just when you thought you’ve heard the last of them, they suddenly waltz in acting all chummy as though nothing happened.
If someone ever does this to you, proceed with caution. There are two reasons why they’ve come crawling back: One, things didn’t work out with their other choice. Two, they’ve been busy and haven’t had the time to catch up.
Just be careful with who you allow to re enter your life — or else you’ll end up regretting your decisions.
Do you know that story with Hansel and Gretel? To find their way back home, they left breadcrumbs on the trail.
Now put that in a relationship perspective. Breadcrumbing is when you leave tiny bits of seeds that may lead them on. They sparingly give you attention, mainly because they don’t want you completely gone out of their life.
These people will occasionally message you and maybe even like your posts on social media. This is their way of making themselves feel present in your life.
Beware of people who do this — they may be taking you for a fool and playing with your heart.
Love Bombing
You click with someone instantaneously and next thing you know, you are being bombarded with so many calls and texts.
That’s love bombing. They give too much attention and affection to a partner that they barely even know. It can feel a bit suffocating when you haven’t fully committed to each other yet.
Not to mention, it’ll feel like you owe it to them to return the favor. That can deal a great amount of pressure on you.
Don’t get carried away by their whims. If they choose to shower you with compliments to the point of getting annoying, let them. It’s up to you to decide if you can deal with it or not.
For more online dating tips, checkout these blogs here.