“Do you have to end up married to show you are committed to a relationship?”
No, you don’t necessarily have to marry someone to show that you’re committed to them.
While marriage is a huge commitment in and of itself, it’s not the only way to express your love and dedication to your partner and your relationship. You can choose not to marry someone and still let them know that you genuinely love them.
Commitment is about time and effort. If you consistently express your love and affection through both words and actions, and if you have long-term goals with your partner that you are determined to fulfill, all of that shows commitment.
Marriage can have its advantages, yes, like more options for you and your partner to secure your future together, but even married couples struggle with staying committed to each other.
Getting married is not a magical solution or a one-time achievement to unlock. As long as you’re willing to put in the work, it can be just one of many ways to prove your love and commitment to your partner.