Is Your Latina Girlfriend The One?

Paula Hernández
6 min readMay 13, 2021

So, you’ve been dating a Latina for a while and are contemplating the big question:

“Is she the one?”.

You’ve met each other’s relatives, spoken the dreaded “L” word, and she’s taken at least three of your hoodies.

You’ve arrived at the stage where you’re asking yourself -

How do I know she’s the one?” and “Should I marry her?”.

We all have to face this stage at some point in our lives. The part where we are starting to feel content being with our romantic partner, deciding if we wanted to marry this wonderful woman or not. It’s a big decision and a giant leap in our life, after all. We can’t just outright decide to marry someone right away.

We have to look for signs and ask questions first.

So what exactly should you look for?

1. You Get Sad At Your Friends’ Dating Stories

The moment you hear about your friends’ dating adventures, especially the ridiculous ones, you get sad. Even when you’ve laughed with them after hearing about how horrible their date had gone, you feel an overwhelming sadness for them because they don’t have what you have.

Maybe they just got unlucky or maybe they set up a high and unrealistic expectation? If they want to be lucky like you, they should probably keep an open mind and keep their expectations healthy and realistic.

2. You Don’t Find Other Pretty Women As Attractive

No, you haven’t gone blind. You do notice attractive women but for some reason, you just don’t find their hair as shiny as hers. Nor are their eyes prettier. Nothing seems to beat the twinkle that resides in her eyes. Is their laughter as cute and enchanting as hers?

Think about her, the woman you have been dating in Costa Rica or from any other Latin countries. If you find her more attractive than all the pretty girls you’ve met since then, then you might be onto something.

3. She’s The First Person You Want To Share Your Stories With

Whether you saw something silly on your way to work, or have listened to a funny joke your friends have told you, if the first person you think about telling these to is the girl you’ve been dating then she’s probably the one.

It’s small and a little insignificant, but you’ll start to find yourself revolving around her when you meet the right woman. The little things you do and the first instincts you start to notice will somehow involve her. If this is something you do then treat it as a sign.

4. She’s Excited To Hear Your Stories

The thing about Costa Rican women, no, Latina women in general, is that they are very passionate. They are also very protective of those they love. So if you come to her telling her your stories about a funny joke you found hilarious, she will undoubtedly laugh just as hard as you did.

If you tell her you got a promotion, she will be excited for you and even show you off to her family and friends.

If you go to her to rant and complain about people at work that you found vexing, she will get angry in your stead. In fact, you won’t even have the energy to get mad anymore because she took your annoyance and manifested into something fiercer.

If your woman is like this, then you’re a lucky man.

5. You Daydream About Her A Lot

And you smile a lot too. It’s a big obvious sign that you’re in love but is it also a sign for you to pull out a ring and propose to her?

Maybe. If your daydreams involve marrying her and having a family with her then you’re most probably on the right track to becoming the happiest man alive.

6. You Want To Look Better For Her

You want to be the most handsome guy in the world because you think she’s the most stunning woman on the planet. Since you spend so much time with her, you get an inside look at how hard she works at making herself look the best.

From shaving/ waxing body hair, blow drying / curling / straightening head hair, eyeliner / mascara / eyeshadow / contouring, face masks, moisturizer, hair treatments, skin treatments to dresses / skirts / nice pants, matching shoes and so on.

Since you appreciate all that — she probably did all of that half for you and half for herself — you finally get around to doing some self-care yourself.

If your lover encourages some self-care and self-love in you then we believe that that is the best and biggest sign that she’s the one for you.

7. She Appreciates That You Try To Look Better For Her

If she says little compliments like “You look cute today” after you did some effort of your own in secret, then this shows that she takes notice of things, no matter how minor.

If you find yourself also noticing the same small things about her — which is rare for a man to be honest — then that also means you are the guy she’s been dreaming of ever since she was a teen.

Nothing is more attractive to a woman than a man who takes notice of the smallest effort a woman has made to make herself look good.

8. You Want To Be Better For Her

Do you find yourself taking up new hobbies and make an effort in actually bettering yourself? Are you eager whenever you do the new hobbies you’ve taken up? Are your thoughts in line with “I wonder if she’ll enjoy this too?” whenever you partake in them?

If the answers are all yes, then you’re not just in love. You’re smitten.

9. You Find Ways To Deal With The Annoying Things About Her

When you find your 9,837th bobby pin in the house, instead of shouting, “Where do these things keep coming from?” and shaking your fist at the hair gods who’ve cursed you, you just pick it up and put it somewhere for her for later.

In some ways you learn to adapt when it comes to her and her quirks. You would make a great husband if you are like this.

You Find Yourselves Looking Online To Make Sure

Because here you are reading this. You’ve probably been thinking about asking her the biggest question ever but have been holding off. Maybe you’re looking for the GO from some blog that tells you what you already know? Or maybe you really just wanted to make sure before you propose to the Latina woman you’ve been in love with for the longest time.

You’ve always known she was the one. For whatever reason you’re hesitating, we hope that we’ve helped make the decision you are looking for.



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