How to Romance a Costa Rican Woman in Her Own Language
Costa Rica is the country for lovers, and expressing love there is like breathing.
Among the locals, romance is approached with a grin and a couple of teasing jabs. People express their love and affection there very openly. Whether you are subtly touching your partner’s arm or blatantly telling them to their face that you love them, it’s all considered normal in Costa Rica.
If you have your eyes on a Costa Rican woman and want to know how to tell her your romantic intentions (and succeed in doing it), try learning her language first.
You don’t have to be fluent. Most of the locals will be impressed and touched that you bothered to learn their language either way. And a Tica will definitely find it endearing, if not amusing, to see you butcher some lines.
Saying “I love you” in Many Ways
There are several ways to express your love in Spanish. Some will need context so you don’t find yourself in an awkward situation. Otherwise, you can say these lines if you wish to confess your feelings to a woman from Costa Rica.
- Te amo = “I love you”
This one is expressed between married couples or those who are engaged since it has the essence of literal romantic love. It is of pure romance and intimacy, and it’s not something you should say to your friends or family unless you want to make things really awkward.
- Te quiero = “I love you” but its literal translation is “I want you”
In some cases, this can be used to tell a family member about your adoration and affection. It is less serious than the former and it can also be safe to say to someone you are dating.
And because of the literal translation, it can be used to say to someone when you are on your way to the bedroom, wink wink.
- Eres mi media naranja = “You are my half-orange”
This one’s funny but also happens to be my personal favorite. When you read the translation, you can’t help but laugh, right? Nothing gets someone to fall in love with you more than comparing them to a piece of fruit. And not even a whole one.
But remember that this is in a different language. And while the translation doesn’t really change, the figurative meaning is what makes it adorably special. When you say this line to someone, you are basically calling them your “other half.”
- Te amo más hoy que ayer, pero menos que mañana = “I love you more today than I did yesterday”
Or more accurately, it means “I love you today, more than yesterday, but less than tomorrow.”
What is more romantic than that? Wax poetic all you want, saying something like this takes guts because that is an entire sentence. And you are telling the love of your life this sentence.
- Te adoro = “I adore you”
You can say this to a lover, and parents towards their own children. It’s simple and doesn’t need to be too heavy, especially if big declarations of love aren’t your thing.
- Te quiero tanto = “I love you so”
It’s like saying I love you very much, but it’s a little more loving and tender. It’s on the more intimate side of things and it’s what you say to your lover when the moment is special.
What Costa Rican Women Like in a Man
Saying nice things to her is one thing, but being the man she needs you to be is another. A lot of men out there can say whatever they want. Words alone can’t attract a woman, though speaking her language certainly does help. You need to meet a lot of criteria, and I’m not just talking about looks because physical attraction is subjective.
- You need to be a gentleman — There is no woman out there who likes an inconsiderate man. One needs to be kind and thoughtful. It’s the most basic aspect that attracts a woman. It’s the most basic aspect of being a decent human being in general.
Chivalry isn’t dead. Be proactive in your kindness and gentlemanliness. Open doors for her, pull up a chair, help her put her jacket on, and carry her bag if needed. Pay for her too when you two go on a date.
2. Most Latinas like manly men — I’m not talking about buff and muscular men who are all about being macho. I’m talking about men being men. Men that take the lead, men that protect their women, and men that take care of the people they love.
These women would rather date a man who isn’t half-hearted about things. It’s why a lot of them will date older men because it’s mostly the older guys that take things seriously.
3. Be well-groomed — It is not necessary to be physically attractive to have good hygiene. Men with poor hygiene are never attractive. If a man doesn’t shower, it doesn’t matter how handsome he is, nobody wants to spend time with someone who smells like a dumpster.
Smelling bad is an automatic turn-off for almost every woman in the world. They are especially attracted to nice-smelling men, so make sure you make an effort to smell better.
Just be clean and trim your beard every once in a while. That’s all you need to do.
4. Be respectful — Even if a man has all the money in the world, if he doesn’t treat women with respect, he can forget about any future relationships.
If you don’t even respect the lady you are trying to flirt with, then you don’t deserve her or any woman for that matter. Always remember to treat a woman with respect.
Don’t Be Afraid to Show Affection
Costa Ricans take more to affection than others. People that are close treat each other with adoration quite publicly. Some are more private than others, but the topic of genuine love and affection is quite open there.
Sometimes, affectionate gestures don’t have to be grand. A lot of women appreciate the little gestures that show you care. It’s why women love gentlemen because those types of men treat women like queens without putting on a show. They are careful about the way they show adoration, and in turn it makes a woman fall for them.
The bottom line here is that you have to be sweet, and you have to be a gentleman. No need for overcompensating big gestures.