“How do I tell a girl that I admire her?”
There are two things you need when telling a girl that you like her.
The first is timing. Timing can make or break your chances with her. You can’t just tell her anytime you feel. You have to be able to read the situation. Only tell her that you like her under the following conditions:
- She is single and available.
- She isn’t grieving or heartbroken.
- You have time alone and the place is relatively quiet.
- She is emotionally available.
- You’ve developed some chemistry.
- She is strongly hinting on you.
When you feel the moment is right, the next thing you need is this:
Be Honest. You can rehearse your winning lines all you want. But nothing else is going to work better than saying how you truly feel.
“I really like you.”
“I’m deeply attracted to you.”
“I think I’m in love with you.”
“I like you and I hope you feel the same way.”
So there you have it. Tell her that you like her with all honesty and at the right time. And whatever happens next, take it like a gentleman. Good luck!