“How important are looks in a relationship?”
My usual answer to these types of questions is that they don’t matter at all. You’re not dating someone for the color of their eyes or the shape of their body, right?
But in reality, looks are the first thing people pay attention to when they’re deciding whether or not someone is interesting or attractive enough to date.
So I guess in the end, it really depends on the people in the relationship. I can list down things like 10 reasons not to marry a Ukrainian woman just because she’s conventionally attractive, or write you an article about why American blondes are more than just arm candies, but if a person really wants to be in a relationship with someone pretty, that’s going to be a priority for them when entering into a relationship.
But you also have to remember that physical beauty fades with time, and you’ll want someone who genuinely cares about you and is committed to your relationship in order to be truly happy in the long run.