Flirting Or Just Friendly? The Easiest Ways to Know Her Intentions
Women sometimes like to walk the fine line between flirty and super friendly.
It’s common for men to get confused with these mixed signals. Ladies have their own way of showing affection and sometimes it isn’t as cut and dry as men do it. This is why a lot of men have trouble figuring out if they’re en route for a relationship or a friendzone.
If you’re a man and also have trouble telling the difference, have no fear. There are a lot of signs and indicators to look out for and I’m here to list them down for you.
Signs that she’s just being FRIENDLY
Every woman is different and they all have their own ways of showing their fondness. It differs from woman to woman, but most of the time, they have the same tells.
When a woman is just being a good friend or is just naturally affectionate without any romantic inclination in mind, she does the following:
1. The random acts of kindness
There are so many women who are just genuinely kind without having any hidden intentions behind their actions. Just because a girl was nice to you doesn’t mean she was showing signs of liking you romantically.
There are people who are kind to display interest, yes but don’t make kindness a standard for this. Kindness shouldn’t be there for hidden intentions, it should just be there because it is.
Some people are just kind and nothing more.
2. She is comfortable opening up to you.
Women are more likely to open up to someone they truly trust. You could say that this applies to women interested in a man, but women tend to be a little more secretive and cautious when talking to their object of affection. They don’t want to embarrass themselves so they try to keep everything in until a few years down the line during the relationship.
But with friends though, sometimes there is no filter. You probably have your own group of friends so you know what I’m talking about. When you’re friends with someone, you tend not to hold back about opening up and acting like yourself. There is no fear in judgment, so ladies who are comfortable opening up to you see you as just that; A friend.
3. Curiosity over your personal life
Sometimes she asks questions about your life because she’s just trying to be polite. You can tell based on how she reacts to your replies and answers. If you notice that she is very interested in your personal life and even asking some follow-up questions, then she might be genuinely into you. But if it’s just a normal and somewhat bored reaction, then she isn’t interested in you.
She’s just being polite and it’s why she asked you.
4. Playfully flirting?
Not all clear signs of flirting are flirting. It can also be a friendly kind of flirting.
Women who playfully flirt do it because they are secure about their own feelings for the person they are “flirting” with. She might also be doing that to make people laugh. Some of the friendliest women out there do it almost heavily because they are either flirty by nature or just don’t see the person they do it with as a potential love.
Some are bolder than others, but if you’re still unsure and confused, know that playful flirting lacks touch.
Signs that she’s being FLIRTY.
Now onto the more interesting part.
Try to see if the girl you are currently confused about is doing any of these:
1. Making an effort to reach out to you
Women tend to follow the 3-day rule before reaching out to their new significant other. The three-day rule is a dating strategy that suggests waiting three days to call your date after you go out. The theory is that waiting three days makes you look less eager and/or desperate, and gives your date time to realize how much they liked you when they think you might not contact them.
However, if she happens to be very interested in you, she will ignore that rule and contact you before the 3 days are even up. Take it as a sign that she thinks you’re a great catch.
So if she asks for your contact information while you’re with her, have that number ready.
2. She is comfortable enough to touch you
Most women are incredibly tactile. They have no problems initiating touch when it comes to the people they like. To them, physical affection is their way of expressing how comfortable they are around a person. But it also indicates interest between men and women.
This doesn’t immediately mean that she’s willing to go on a date with you just yet. Their touch can mean a myriad of things, and it can be difficult to decipher. Sometimes women like to flirt for simple fun, nothing more to it. Others might be touchy because that’s just the way they are with everyone. Of course, some get touchy to let you know they like you.
3. Her voice pitch changes
There is a psychological study regarding women’s voice pitch. Basically, you can tell a woman is attracted to you based on her voice. If her voice is lower than her usual voice, it means disinterest. Meanwhile, it will mean she is interested in you if she talks to you in a cute, high-pitched voice.
Take note of her voice when she talks to you.
4. Sometimes emphasizing that she’s single
It might not be much of a sign if she says it once and only after being asked, but if she subtly brings it up again, then she is sending you a sign.
Women don’t bring up their single status unless they are trying to make a man fall for them. Between friends, relationship status isn’t usually something that is talked about, mainly because most people aren’t that interested.
Unless the topic itself was about their love lives, no one actually brings it up. Men who like to boast that they aren’t single anymore don’t count.
But for a woman to semi-constantly says she isn’t taken, doesn’t have a boyfriend, is currently not seeing anyone as she talks to you, it’s a dead giveaway. If she wasn’t interested, she’d not only keep mum about it, she would also tell u straight out she’s taken if asked.
It’s not always a guessing game
If you’re tired of second-guessing yourself, there is an event where you get to meet many single women who are as like-minded as you. There, you don’t have to guess much if the woman you are talking to likes you or is just friends with you.
In Costa Rica, there is a Singles Tour vacation that lets you have the best vacation of your life. There, you will meet hundreds of women that are also looking for love.
If you go, you might meet your future wife. So what are you waiting for?