“Can you be in a relationship with someone you’re not at all physically attracted to but like everything else about them?”
What’s great about falling in love with someone is that it mostly has to do with how you feel when you’re with them, not necessarily because of how they look.
Couples who have been in a relationship for so long (especially the ones that ended up getting married and lived long and happily together) surely didn’t intend on making things work just because they were physically attracted to each other, right? Although it’s possible, it’s not always the reason they chose to stay.
That’s because they know that when they grow old, they’ll look different. But when someone says you’re beautiful after having known you — the good, the bad, and everything in between — it’s likely that they’ll still think you’re beautiful fifty years from now. See the difference?
Ultimately, looks are just a plus. It’s a major plus if they’re really that attractive. So to answer your question, yes.
The fact that you already like everything else about them means that you’ve grown fond of them without having to consider the physical aspects. But now that you are questioning it, you have nothing to worry about. The more you become attracted to this person (with all the qualities you’ve come to like and admire about them), you will eventually come to be physically attracted to them as well. It’s highly possible, so it would be a shame if you decide to back out now just because you haven’t developed a physical attraction for them yet.
If you’re worried about it, though, you can always give it a shot and see for yourself. In the end, you’ll be proud to know that you’re not this shallow person who broke it off with someone who could potentially be the best relationship partner you ever had in your life just because you weren’t physically attracted to them. Plus, you’ll be even happier to know that you stuck with them despite the question you initially had about them.
Originally published on Quora