“Why do we fall out of love?”
Because we’re human and we experience love in so many different ways.
Also, it’s as normal as falling in love. It can happen gradually or in an instant. Maybe we end up wanting someone better or someone different. Some people might fall back in love, but usually others just accept it and move on with their lives.
It’s not easy to find a concrete reason why we fall out of love with someone we were once so head over heels for. It’s possible that they changed or you did, and neither of you is responding well to it. After a while you no longer enjoy the things that you used to do together. You grow apart and learn to live life without the other. Eventually the reasonable thing to do is accept that you’re no longer in love.
While it can be a painful experience for one or both parties, it’s something that just happens. Sometimes the reason may not even be clear to you or the other person. Or it could be that a third party was involved.
If you want to have some specific examples that can lead a person to fall out of love, consider the following:
- You no longer make an effort to make the other person feel loved or appreciated.
- You don’t look forward to seeing each other.
- Going out seems like a chore.
- You don’t have anything interesting to talk about.
- You hang out more with friends.
- You don’t make plans.
- You’re always too busy.
- You’re not affectionate towards each other.
The lack of interest, communication, and bonding can also be a huge factor. It’s like you’re slowly getting used to the idea of not being together. When the time comes, you realize that you can be happy on your own (or in some cases, with another person). The desire to love and support each other is fading or no longer there. It gets worse and worse until one or both of you decide to pull the plug.
In any case, falling out of love is a result of circumstance. Couples who are not paying attention to each other for long periods of time are prone to falling out of love. If you notice that you’re starting to become distant, look for ways to pull each other back. Relationships require constant work, and they can’t work if only one person is pulling their end of the rope.