Common Gifts for Women and their Hidden Meanings

Paula Hernández
5 min readOct 9, 2023

Gift-giving goes way beyond what’s inside the box.

Photo by Kateryna Hliznitsova on Unsplash

You feel subtle pressure to match your affection to the gift you want to give. Its underlying meaning is also one of the things you deal with.

And just when you’re confused about what to get, you turn to the internet and hope to find a helpful list that might save your soul. The truth is, everything just seems to be so typical.

If you want to know more about giving women gifts and the meaning behind them, take time to read this piece.

Conveying Messages Through Gifts

We give gifts to tell someone we like them.

We give gifts to show someone we care.

We give gifts to let someone understand we think of them all the time.

When we can’t possibly articulate our thoughts and emotions in words, we wrap them up in pretty boxes.

If you come to think of it, how do you let someone know you wish to spend the rest of your lives together? And how do you let someone know they’re so special when words alone can’t describe it?

Gifts serve as a representation of what we want to say and express. We extend our emotions, comfort, sincerity, and love when we give gifts to the ones we love.

Importance of Costs and Expenses

The monetary value of a gift is the least important thing about it.

Its meaning isn’t defined by the value it costs nor its exclusivity. However, buying them something extravagant and unique always says something about how much they mean to you.

Women easily appreciate it, especially when they know it comes from your heart. Just by seeing your utmost sincerity in buying them one is enough to melt their hearts.

When Does a Gift Become Bad?

Gifts make us happy. The thrill of holding a beautifully wrapped box and speculating what it contains is something that excites us to no measure.

Photo by Kateryna Hliznitsova on Unsplash

While the idea of a gift itself is good, is there a time it becomes bad? If yes, when?

For instance, you have a hectic schedule. You hardly have enough time to spare for yourself, let alone shop for gifts for someone important to you. And because you don’t want to show up empty-handed, you just opt for the first item you see on the display rack of the furniture section in the department store.

Now, would someone be as glad to receive a set of kitchen knives on their anniversary? Or would they be truly happy to get a new umbrella on their birthday?

Clearly, gifts given with less thought and care are a red flag and are one of the recognized signs that your relationship somehow needs more attention than you think.

Gifts and Their Meanings

It takes time if you truly want to give them the perfect gift. Because there are numerous factors you have to look at, gift-giving isn’t as simple as it looks.

On another note, you have to put into consideration the meaning of a gift. As you can see, women have different preferences, and depending on their culture, what’s acceptable for them can be as well distinctive.

1. Jewelry

Jewelry is an expensive gift, and a lot of women expect to be given one. It is a versatile gift to give that would mostly be perfect for any occasion.

Is Valentine’s Day coming up? Perhaps it’s time to get that ring. Will it be Christmas in a few months? Make a reservation before that limited edition bracelet goes unavailable. Do you want to cheer her up from constant stress at work? That pair of earrings would certainly lighten up her day.

Photo by Kateryna Hliznitsova on Unsplash

What it means: A woman must be so special to you before you think of giving her jewelry. It shows that you value both her and the relationship, and you appreciate her presence and her being beside you. It’s romantic proof of your emotions and intentions for her altogether.

2. Flowers

Almost any woman would kill just to receive a bouquet of flowers from someone they love. Although it’s a common gift to many, its value and meaning never diminish over time.

Red roses symbolize passion and romance. Tulips are for perfection and royalty. On the other hand, carnations denote fascination and distinction. For luxury and refinement, orchids are the best ones. Lastly, peonies define beauty and elegance.

If you haven’t made up your mind on which flowers to give her, using some of these would be a smart choice.

What it means: Flowers are no doubt an expression of your love. When you give her this, there’s no question that what you feel for her is real and her happiness is important to you.

3. Vacation Getaway

Nothing sounds as exciting to women as receiving tickets to their dream vacation. What’s more is knowing that they get to spend it with you! It’d be an ideal time for you to bond with each other and make unforgettable memories.

At the same time, you can make the most out of it by making sure she’s having a great time with you.

What it means: Going on a trip together only shows that you want to have intimate and new memories for you to cherish later on. If someone really means a lot to you, a vacation would be something you’d definitely love to give.

4. Handmade, Unique, and Custom Items

This one is genuinely given out of love. Almost nothing could be greater than a gift that’s personally made by you. Other than its sentimental value, the fact that you made time for it is incomparable.

What it means: Because it can’t be bought, it’s special and is almost like no other. Needless to say, pure love is a great element behind it.

Giving Her the Best Gift

The best gift in the world can’t be bought. It has no value, it’s intangible, and it can last a lifetime.

Human as we are, love is the most powerful emotion we can ever give and receive. It doesn’t come in a box, and it arrives at the time we least expect.

If you think you haven’t given her the best gift yet, think again of your love for her.

Have you made her happy? Have you made her into the best person she can be?

All things considered, the value of a gift is no less than the gift itself.



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