Dating 101: Are You or Someone You Meet Ready?

Paula Hernández
3 min readSep 13, 2023
a couple on a picnic together
Photo by Jep Gambardella on Pexels

There are a handful of materials on the Internet telling you what to look for in a potential partner, where to look for a partner, and how you can be the perfect person for your partner. While they are significant in helping you find the right person to be in a relationship with, these materials disregard the person’s eagerness and enthusiasm when it comes to dating and relationships.

Most of the time, people think they’re ready without thinking of the possible consequences. Perhaps they think they are ready without gauging themselves. Or, they may have someone in their lives telling them that they are already physically, mentally, and emotionally equipped to handle a relationship. They could also be someone who is indeed ready but is stuck with a partner who is not.

If you’re one of these people, you might have asked yourself, “How do I know if I’m ready to be in a relationship or if the person I’m currently with is ready to enter a relationship?” Well, it all boils down to interest and demeanor.

Interest in dating.

Have you met someone who you’re interested in but exerts little to no effort during the contact phase to the actual date? If you have, these are the types of people you want to avoid. If you’ve done similar things, you might be the one who is not ready to be in a relationship. Choose a person who has the desire to meet new people for potential partners. Pick someone who spends enough time getting to know you. This is the type of attitude to look for and you should possess if you’re looking for a long-term relationship.

Positive demeanor towards dating.

If you’ve come across a person who thinks that “online dating will never work out” or “the people in an online dating platform are fake”, avoid them completely. And if this sounds like you, you’re not ready to date someone either. Be wary of people who are into dating because they want to fill a void from their previous relationship or a bad experience.

Divorce, abuse (be it emotional, physical, or mental), cheating, grief, and regret are some of these experiences that will take time to heal. If you’re going through one of these right now, you should veer away from dating and relationships for the time being. Or if the person you’re seeing is experiencing the same, it’s best to cut your date short and move on to the next.

Choose someone with a positive demeanor towards dating, someone who is genuinely excited to meet you. Someone who is ecstatic about what the future brings if you are both in a relationship. Someone who thinks that a relationship can work out if both of you are willing to make it work. Someone who is free from the pain and regret in the past. If they talk about these things during the contact phase, you should feel optimistic about the relationship. Choose someone who has completely let go of the past and is ready to commit to a new relationship. This is the kind of attitude you want to practice if you want someone to accept you as a dating partner.

Knowing you and someone you meet have an eagerness and positive demeanor towards dating, it’ll be easier to make things work in a relationship.



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