An Analysis of the Modern Online Dating World
It’s hard to think of a service or product that isn’t integrated with online tech in 2021.
Take one good look at every modern industry on the market today — you’ll find that nearly every single one of them is either completely digital or dependent on an online medium.
The onset of the digital realm is a force to be reckoned with — it will not stop progressing, and it will not stop innovating.
In the last hundred years or so, we’ve been making the environment adapt to us. We’ve literally maxed out our physical form, and now we seek to make our surroundings fit our desires through the use of technological innovation and solutions to everyday communication problems.
Look outside your window. Chances are, if you’re living at the heart of an urbanized city, every single object you see is manmade. Everything from the cement pavement down to the very nuts and bolts that hold your house together — humans have engineered it.
We’ve successfully molded the environment to fit our needs and wants.
As technology has begun to be the solution for most of our problems, it’s safe to assume that our tech is what will continue to evolve in all facets of commerce, entertainment, and functionality until we reach a nearly seamless digital future.
How it all started
One of the most peculiar innovations in technology as of lately is the popularity of the online dating world. The industry really hit it off around the time smartphones started getting popular — but as for the online dating circuit, it’s been around for quite a while now.
When email and instant messaging started getting popular around the mid-nineties, so did online dating. It didn’t take too long for companies to realize that the new tech could be used in a dating context, and well, that’s the direction it went in.
If you could instantly message friends and family, then obviously, the next logical step would be to make it so you can instantly message potential love interests. As communication technology and innovations in multimedia progressed, the international matchmaking industry flourished, giving rise to the modern phenomenon we know and love today.
This is what gave rise to modern online dating culture.
Where it’s at right now
The online dating world is a monumental network of endless possibilities in 2021. Some find the love of their lives, while some derive instant gratification with people they’ve only known for a few days. There’s something for everyone out there, and it all depends on what exactly it is you’re looking for. Whatever type of consumer you are in this market, there is a product for you.
It’s really interesting to see how much the industry has changed in recent years and the impact that technology has had on its overall dynamic. Let’s take a look at the state of modern dating for younger folk and the apps that they use.
Surely, you’ve heard of Tinder and Grindr. These are two of the most commonly accessible dating apps for young adults, which are highly popular nowadays. There’s absolutely no shame in participating in either of these — but it must be noted that if you’re looking for genuine love, this might not be the place to dig for it.
Here’s how they work. You make an account, and you get the chance to swipe left or right on other people’s accounts (left being decline, right being accept), and if you’re lucky, you’ll match with that person. From there, casual conversations usually ensue, and this is the part where lots of young people tend to make their intentions clear. They just want some quick fun most of the time.
That’s right. There’s an entire online culture centered around these apps, as it denotes the pursuit of instant gratification, casual encounters, and informal meetups. People using these apps just want to have a fun, quick time.
On the other side of the spectrum, we have international dating apps and matchmaking sites which are run by legitimate firms and companies seeking to pair (usually older Western) men with (generally younger) foreign women from either Southeast Asia, Latin America, or Eastern Europe.
Now, the difference between these apps, as compared to the millennial, quick fling connotation associated with casual dating apps, is the pursuit of love. People using these apps are generally searching for the one — you know, the love of their lives who they intend to marry.
Usually, people using these apps are either tired of their local dating options, have already exhausted them all, or seek something significantly more genuine. Some have ex wives, and some have never been married. It’s also used by people who want to try their hand at love with foreign women, and rightfully so.
Everyone deserves love.
The online dating community basically centers around taking the traditional means of meeting and greeting people to a whole new digital level, facilitating the dating dynamic and social behavior of human beings to a more ergonomic, efficient, and widely accessible degree.
It basically took everything we knew and loved about dating and made it something that’s doable at the touch of our fingertips, from the comfort of our own homes, at any time or place.
An entire world of dating options is now accessible to anyone and everyone who puts in the minimal effort to go out there and find them.
They’re only a few clicks away.
In conclusion
In the love industry, there are dating solutions for everyone. It all depends on what you seek. International matchmaking sites are highly recommended, since the women who work with these companies are verified, legitimate, documented, and most importantly — genuine.
You most likely won’t get catfished on an international matchmaking site — the chances are very slim.
These services help thousands of people worldwide in their dating endeavors, year in and year out, providing newfound happiness for common-day folk like you and I.
This is why we recommend our readers to give these services a try, because sometimes, they really do work wonders.
Happy dating, everyone!