4 Things You Need To Know Before Dating A Costa Rican

Paula Hernández
5 min readOct 3, 2021


How exactly does one go about trying to woo a pretty Costa Rican?

Research, my friend. That, and you have to be a genuinely nice person of course.

Wooing a woman isn’t as easy as everyone makes it out to be but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. If lots of people can do it then so can you.

So where do we start?

1. Your hygiene

You honestly don’t think you’re going to get a date by looking like you haven’t bathed nor shaved for centuries, do you?

Fact: Women have a fine eye for detail when it comes to vanity. To put it bluntly, a lot of them judge a person based on how they look and how they dress. After all, women are very particular with their appearance.

Costa Rican women, like any other Latina women, are very heavy on appearance. They put in a lot of effort into how they look and get amazing results, as you probably already know. So if they date a guy who doesn’t meet their level of effort, they will be very disappointed and your chances of dating one will go down the drain.

  • How to improve your appearance
  1. Trim your beard (tip: have a heavy stubble)
  2. Don’t forget to wear a jacket (leather jackets and wool topcoats work wonders to a man’s appearance)
  3. Fix your hair
  4. Dress smart (dress to impress but don’t overdo it)
  5. Wear a watch (it makes you look smart and expensive)
  6. Go for boots
  7. 2 sprays of cologne
  8. High-quality underwear (just in case you get lucky)
  • What to avoid, especially on the first date
  1. NO hoodies
  2. NO ties
  3. NO hats
  4. NO sunglasses

2. Your confidence

Right over in Costa Rica, their dating culture consists of a strong man taking the lead. It doesn’t necessarily mean you have to be super muscular. You can build some muscle but not too much.

But your physique isn’t the point here.

It’s about how you walk and talk. About how you act around everybody. You don’t have to be a big strong man to make her fall for you. All you really need to be is a MAN.

Does that make any sense?

The bottom line: Be confident. Most girls like it when a man takes the lead. But don’t be cocky or arrogant. Know your limits before you come off as a jerk. Be a gentleman even when you are exuding confidence to win her over.

3. Go ahead and initiate contact

Make eye contact with her if you have her attention. Eye contact is a great way to pique someone’s interest. However, be aware that spending too much time in this phase can make an approach much harder and sometimes quite uncomfortable.

Once you’ve made eye contact, introduce yourself if you haven’t already. Most people dislike ‘random’ introductions, but if you can be introduced by a friend who already knows her, it will be helpful.

  • How to make physical contact
  1. If you two are at the stage of being comfortable enough to touch, hug her whenever you two see each other.
  2. It’s okay to brush against her too. But if you see her flinching away or being awkward about it, carefully remove yourself from her. This applies to hugging too.
  3. Touch her hand. Be cautious though because some girls aren’t as touchy as some. If you are close enough already then she shouldn’t push you off.
  4. Casually wrap your arm around her shoulders. It’s both a friendly gesture and an intimate action. Goes both ways. Watch her reaction though. If she leans into you, she might be interested. But if she just lets it happen then it’s possible she just sees you as a friend.

4. Your gentlemanly act

Please don’t let it be just an act.

Women can see red flags right away. You aren’t the only ones watching out for them, after all. They too are looking out for signs if you’re a bad match since they are also looking for a partner. Don’t be a gentleman if it’s just an act.

Actually be a gentleman.

If you aren’t sure how to go about that, here are tips:

  • Leave your phone alone when you’re on a date with her
  • Open doors for her
  • Offer your arm when you are walking together
  • Give her your jacket if it’s cold
  • Pull up a chair for her
  • Actually, listen to her when you two are talking
  • Remember your manners
  • No cursing — not too much, at least

Signs she’s starting to like you

Since a lot of you aren’t really that aware of when a girl starts to show interest, we’ll lay it out for you.

  • She says “we” instead of “I” when she speaks about important things
  • You find that she’s always there
  • Her friends know you and they somehow become your friends too
  • The prolonged eye contact
  • She starts talking about long-term plans
  • She’s very encouraging about your passions
  • She often teases you
  • She easily opens up to you
  • When she’s eager to know your friends
  • There is no talk about changing you
  • The little things she does for you
  • When she actually says she likes you, it means she likes you

Where to find Costa Rican women

You can find a pretty Tica just about anywhere! From the restaurant you often frequent to the gym you pass by on the weekends.

But if you want to find one that has the same intentions and mindset as you, you should join a Singles Tour.

What’s a Singles Tour? It’s exactly what it sounds like. All interested single men who want to not just go on vacation towards a preferred destination but also meet many single women gather here. It’s a fun week of socializing, meeting hundreds of local women interested in a date (or marriage) and getting to see the country itself.

You won’t be caught left-footed either. The whole event and tour is surrounded by matchmakers that help out, the staff and the translators. You could make lots of friends here and even go on several dates with many women.

If you think this is something you can get behind then come join us! Pretty Costa Ricans await!



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